Sofia, bul. "Bulgaria" 49A floor 2


Public construction

Chopin - Commercial areas, Offices and Apartments, Varva

Defense Department, Blagoevgrad"

Office Center, Sofia

Orthodox Church Parish, Yambol

Iskar College - Building of the year 2013 in the section "Education and Sport"

Plant for biological treatment of the site of Han Bogrov

Social services complex, Yambol

Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Center, Carevo

Research Education Center, Sofia

Works of five local schools, Pazardzik

MALL, Yambol

Store chain "PLUS", Harmanli

EVN, Yambol

"Mr. Bricolage", Sofia and Plovdiv, Office center IMMOBUL, Sofia

BTC, Yambol

Ministry of Health, RZOK Yambol

Market 'Victoria' and Market 'Zlaten rog', Yambol

The most valuable asset of Diana Commerce are the people, the professionals, to whom the company has established a program for training and stimulating social policy. We stimulate them and give them the opportunity to develop their full potential. Our goal is to be partners that customers can rely on. We work with our customers as a team. Mutual respect is the ground of our success.

bul. "Bulgaria" 49A floor 2
phone/fax: 02/958 9399

"Zlaten rog" № 80
phone: 046/66 10 55
fax: 046/66 10 56

CONTACT US - office Sofia

bul. "Bulgaria" 49A floor 2

CONTACT US - office Yambol

"Zlaten rog" № 80
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